The HDPE system lends itself to different joining methods. There is no best performing or reliable one as the choice depends on installation requirements and the availability of the necessary equipment. The main joining systems are butt welding and electrical sleeve welding.
HDPE can be used for installations inside civil and industrial buildings, hospitals and laboratories. Due to its malleability and resistance to abrasion and impact, it is suitable for installation in underground installations and within concrete castings.
Manual butt welding
Up to a diameter of 63 mm, pipes and/or fittings can be butt-welded by a manual process involving the use of only the thermoforming plate. Given the extreme lightness of polyethylene, it is an extremely convenient joining method on the construction site.
Machine butt welding
Our range of butt-welding machines allows the use of pipes up to 315 mm in diameter. This welding process is useful for the prefabrication of parts of a system that will later be installed and joined using other joining methods: e.g. electric sleeve welding.
Electric sleeve welding
Thanks to the use of electrical sleeves, available from diameter 40 mm up to diameter 315 mm, any system configuration can be created. Valsir offers two types of welding machines that allow parts to be welded quickly, easily and extremely reliably.
Thanks to electro-welding sleeves, it is also possible to repair damaged pipes or modify already laid pipes. In these cases, electric sleeve welding is the most practical joining system.